
family picture header crochet

Hey, ghoulz! Man, it’s been a long time since I did a life update!

Well, Master Betty and I have both had a bit of a makeover, but Turtle is still her turtly overlord self. It’s been almost two years since we lost Mizzy Kitty, and we’re finally considering peeking around at the animal shelter to see if any kitties there would like to adopt us. Stay tuned for that!

I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and confused about all the different things I have going on online, so I’m trying to kind of narrow down and consolidate some of my blogs and pages. It’s difficult because my interest are just so varied that sometimes the little worlds I create need to be separate. I feel like I’m juggling a lot of lot of things, though, and it’s a little overwhelming.

I’m going to be doing some updates and remodeling to the Craftyghoul blog and Facebook page throughout this year. My crochet skills have gotten better, so I need to go through all the patterns I’ve created and make sure they don’t need tweaking; maybe update the images. Maybe I’ll find some new background images and update our little character images. I appreciate your patience as I rearrange things here and there!

Once I get all my little worlds in order, I’ll toss out an update so you know where to keep up with my personal blog, pet blogs, and writer blogs!

Keep on stitchin’, ghoulz!



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